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BSkin By Bowes are so happy to share we are now proud Partners with "Natural World Fund"

BSkin By Bowes are so happy to share we are now proud Partners with "Natural World Fund"

Natural World Fund are a commendable environmental conservation organisation, centered around restoring UK nature, supporting wildlife and balancing UK ecology.

The Natural World Fund is a non profit community interest company where donations are legally protected to only go towards rewilding causes, their aim is to make a difference to protect wildlife alongside fighting climate change by purchasing areas across the UK then rewilding these sites into forests, meadows or wetlands to support our decreasing species and their habitats from extinction. These sites will be protected using conservation covenants.

Animals across Britain are in an alarming decline. From the hedgehog to the tortoiseshell butterfly, these are just two examples that are worryingly endangered. Can you imagine not seeing hedgehogs anymore!

So when you help to restore a patch of degraded land through rewilding to meadows, forests or wetlands you have a massive impact on biodiversity at a local level because animals get a home and food which was not there before. This also has positive ripples down the food chain, thus protecting the future of nature in this one site. 

Right now we are not doing enough as a human race to prevent serious damage to our planet. You can help make a difference, every little bit of help adds up, whether its through donations or spreading the word.  

Head over to: to meet the founders, Ed Jackson and Glenn Howes where you can find stacks of information on their website. 

We are extremely happy to donate to such a worthy project.

Please Share their cause through social media, this is a great help in itself.

Thank you for reading

Amanda & Kelsi 


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